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February: Jumping Jack Challenge
Ready to Jumpstart Your Fitness?
Join us for the Jumping Jack Challenge and give your heart and body a boost this February! Starting with just 5 jumping jacks on February 1st, this progressive challenge is a fun and simple way to build strength, improve endurance, and stay active every day.
Follow the daily schedule, take well-deserved rest days, and watch as your fitness and confidence soar! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, this challenge is perfect for everyone. Let’s get moving—one jump at a time!
Past Challenges
- December: Holiday in Motion Fitness
- November: Planksgiving
- October: Pumpkin Push-Up
- September: Stretch Challenge
- August: Arm Fitness
- July: Fireworks
- June: Spell Out Your Workout
- May: I Live Healthy By...
- April: Spring into Shape
- March: Pick Your Workout
- February: Stay FIT and Play BINGO!
- January: Spell Your Workout
- December: 25 Days of Fitness
- November: Planks for Thanks
- October: Spooktacular
- September: Power Up
- Augsust: Active August
- July: July Stars and Strips
- June: Summer Word Workout
- May: Mindfulness
- April: Spring Into Fitness
- March: Muscle Madness
- February: Bingo
- January: New Year, Fresh Start
- December: Elf 4 Health
- November: Planks, Thanks, and Giving
- October: SpookTacular
- September: Choose Your Own Workout
- August: Step It Up
- July: Stars and Stripes
- June: Just Do It June
- May: aMAYzing Abs
- April: Color Circuit
- March: Sally Up
- February: Flex Your
- January: New Year, Fresh Start